Tuesday 13 October 2009

Jason Cassidy's Blog: Trials and tribulations of a road trip

Jason Cassidy's latest entry at The Hockey News
Though for us university folk, bus trips are a chance to catch up on class reading, assignments and share ideas about similar classes.

One thing’s for certain: I’m sure most professional hockey players avoid reading advance qualitative research methods, biomechanics or macro theory before a big game.


  1. no, most professional hockey players would not be reading those things, but most university students would. Interesting that you see the university hockey team as professional hockey players, versus university students who play hockey.

  2. That comment is both uncalled for and ignorant.

    Uncalled for in that you are obviously our "STU Hockey gets too much money" friend and are trying to stir the pot.

    Ignorant in that you obviously did not click through to read the original article. If you had, you might have taken that paragraph in its proper context in which Jason simply compared the habits of the pros to those of the students.

  3. dude, professionals read the hockey news. Everyone does. People like reading stories about themselves so I dont think your right. I wish we could perma ban this moron.

    ~Tommies Video Guy~

  4. yea I read the entire article, and I made the decision to make my comment. You two people are the ones who write the hard words. Did I call him ignorant because he uses one sentence paragraps? Did I suggest you should be banned because you make threatening comments and incorrect assumptions? Perhaps you should have the anonymous option removed from the options at the bottom of the blog. Perhaps you should just read a book or something.

  5. Any time I have ever been on the STU or UNB team bus there are always a large number of student athletes studying or doing school work. Let them near an Internet workstation in the hotel, and after they check Facebook and e-mail, they will often be checking their learning management system (WebCT/Blackboard).

    I would agree with Jason that this positive behaviour would be rare on a pro team bus, and I have been assured it is not as common on Junior teams' buses.

  6. I don't think the original writer ever disputed that students study.

  7. Hey Hockey gets too much money guy here. Hockey at STU gets too much money. Look at the web site that tells how much money each team gets. I have no problem with atheletes getting their programs funded. I have problems with Varsity athelets getting that much disproportional funding compared to the non-varsity sports. If STU has so much money, why did profs go on strike? Why are team meals paid for hockey while non-varsity pay their own way?

  8. The original commenter is basically stating that Jason was calling university players "pros who happen to be in school" rather than "students who play hockey". There was nothing of the sort in the article. The paragraph simply made a facetious comparison between the lifestyles of the two. This is a ridiculous conversation.

  9. 7th poster who always bitches about the STU team...shut up. Thats just the way it goes. But every athlete at STU has to pay to play. Like if you want to play, you have to pay. Every sport STU plays in varsity anyways. There is no club teams like UNB. The closest you can get to club at STU are STU students playing intramurals versus UNB students, which is all for fun (i run 3 teams (football, hockey and ball hockey and run flag football)So keep your complaining down because this site is for Tommie fans, not detractors. We've heard the complaining before and no one agrees with you. And put your name on what you write.

    ~STU Video Guy~

  10. I'm sure it won't take STUTOMMIES.COM long to delete these negative comments anyways... only rainbows and sunshine allowed on this site.

  11. STU video guy...are you certain of your facts? Every sport is varsity? Could someone correct him please. He wallows in his own ignorance of the University.

  12. ignorance? What do you know about STU athletics? Are you an athlete or do you just sit at home and play armchair quarterback. I know it because people tell me. Look at the f'n website, click on atheltics and click on varsity and they are all there. Just because soccer and volleyball arent part of the AUS loop, dosent mean its not varsity. Its still the best players at the school for their sport play on their teams. When you know about anything athletics, you let me know. I will keep calling you out unless you put your name on what you back up.

    ~STU Video Guy~

  13. Video Guy.
    wow. Duh.Then okay, they fund hockey well beyond what they fund every other "varsity" sport. That is even worster.

  14. so, they fund the UNB V-Reds team too probably more than anyone else. Hockey is the biggest sport. It brings more fans in. I dont see where you get off critizing the athletics department. But its not like everyone is in financial peril. The teams have new warm up suits, new jerseys. What does that tell you.

    Worster....are you serious? Did you go to school? worse is what your looking for. Sorry, pet peeve on the bad choice of words. I know, internet is not a spelling bee.

    ~Tommies Video Guy~

  15. Wouldn't it make sense to put the majority of your funding into the sport that (probably) brings in the most money? That just seems like good business sense...

  16. hey, Time to end this. The women's hockey will eventually win because they are funded beyond belief. The men will battle up and down in the middle, lower end of the pack. The other AUS female teams will fall off because of lack of funding, like UNB. Eventually Eagles will be let go under pressure from STU fans. More fans will attend STU home games than UNB games. Why pay 12 dollars to watch them lose up the hill whem you can pay 8 bucks and see the same result in their own barn. Stu will dump millions into a new city rink for their two CIS sport teams and the other varsity sports get new warm up socks. We watched this all play out afew years ago.
    Sorry Video guy, I used the word worser as a form of humour. I thought it fitting to use that on you because over the weeks you have argued in a circle. My original post many days ago was to address unequally funding among the varsity teams. You eventually won that point for me. Keep that 8mm camera going. You are recording the stuff that nations are built upon And surely you know to take the lens cap off before recording, right? Say hi to all the kids in middle school that you play sports with. Sorry, that you play junior"varsity" sports with.

    I will leave you to your web site to promote what you need to promote. I will keep reading, but only repost when Eagles has been fired by the loyal and fickle faithful.

  17. Why dont you meet me at the rink and we will have a nice friendly chat to leave this internet bickering? You didnt add anything relevant, you just ramble on about inequality. Like seriously dude, why all the venom? And middle school sports, bud, i did 4 years at STU, working towards policing. And im actually pretty good at sports. Im probably not like you sitting on the couch eating potato chips. Im just using that as a personal insult since you attacked me personally.

    but my question to you is, why do you care so much about the teams not being funded equally?

    ~Tommies Video Guy~

  18. We're not going to delete critical comments, but we will delete comments if they get personal or nasty. See the ABOUT US link for a reminder on what is acceptable or not.

    Thank you.

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