Tuesday 15 September 2009

Squirrels tear Tommies a new one....again.

It was much the same Presidents' Cup game as last year. The Tommies started things off on the right foot scoring at 1:35 of the first with Max Chamberland getting credit for the goal from Banfield and Andricopoulos. The lead stood for the first period before UNB took control with eight goals over the final two periods. Final shots on goal favoured the Squirrels 45 -19.

Next game for the Tommies is Friday night versus PEI in Charlottetown. We move on.

Daily Gleaner: Different names, familiar result


  1. If the rumors about Black Harbour folding, maybe Stu could move into the senior league? Seriously, this team is built for a different league.. What the hell is Gallant doing? He is great at what he does, but what he does has nothing to do with putting points on the board.

    That was embarrassing to watch, seriously, UNB destroyed them. Harty, Hodgson ran over so many players.. yet Stu showed absolutely no life... Completely embarrassing..

  2. first game of the season with our rookies first chance at the Battle of the Hill....its only exhibiton I guess. If this happens a lot in the season, then its trouble. Its only game 1.

  3. it doesn't look good, UNB will only be better once they have Daine Todd, Jeff Lee and Jordan Clendenning in the Lineup

    UNB started very slow for the first 10 minutes and Ben Macfarlane made some outstanding saves for STU in the first 20 minutes, this game could have been much worse

  4. Barry Collrin,B.A. 68Wed Sept 16, 03:37:00 am GMT-3

    Let's keep this outcome in perspective,the real Tommies are somwhere between the 1st 10 minutes of the game and the last 50.Many things became obvious as the game progressed,was the outcome the real Tommies,I do not think so and I believe that there is better times ahead,If we had played better and had the same result then time yo worry but really it was just an off game with hopefullness still on the horison.
    Let's regroup our thoughts and get on to the next exhibition game and get ready for the opening season game,dwelling on the outcome only has value in learning how to improve for the next contest,NEXT.

  5. It is only exhibition,playing for a cup.STU will be good and will make the playoffs.

  6. This will probably be a season where everyone but UNB will compete on a level playing field - UNB is just too deep - it's like overkill

  7. I agree! Stu belongs competing at a level below Varsity. Keep the basketball, soccer, Vollyball etc and stop wasting thousands of hard earned student dollars on their hockey programs. I think a good extramural program would better serve the students. Even rum row is losing interest.

  8. I lost interest when Eagles said it was a rebuilding year. A new coach can get away with saying that, but a long serving coach only gets to rebuild once he has built something prevously. Time for a new AD and coach. otherwise fans continue to laugh. oh well, hopefully the Tommies will spend a few grand on new uniforms, dump a few million into the new rink, and grab a few points of the other bottom dwelling teams again this season.

  9. Money is no problem buddy. We're borrowing it from UNB. They have loads of it since they cut women's hockey but that's another story, isn't it?

    Save your Squirrel talk for somewheres else.

  10. Did anybody from the Tommies look half decent out their? Or was it all around beating on the hands of the V-Reds? I'm sure atleast 1 Tommie looked like they wanted to play.

  11. So anon wants to talk female hockeyThe sad part of the comment above is that money is no problem at STU....for hockey. Thr=e money is not shared with other sports for athletes who are just as high performing. The coaches are paid for coaching hochey. Are the other coaches? Stu Womenhockey is the most highly subsidized female program in the AUS. They rose to the top only when the money flowed. Eagles is now the AD and his focus will be new socks for the basketball team and millions for the hockey program.
