Saturday 8 November 2008

Tommies continue to win

The Tommies brought their "X" game to LBR this afternoon and were rewarded with a huge 4 to 1 win. Word is spreading across the AUS of this teams ability and no one will be taking them lightly. That's for sure.

St. Thomas spotted St FX a one goal lead at 14:06 of the first period but Julia Sharun would shut the door from there on in. In fact the entire team shut down X as the Ladies were badly out shot in the first but would out shoot the X-Women the rest of the way and claim the win.

Jessica Holt tied things up at one at 3:16 of the second from Catherine Boudreau. Lyse Rossignol would give STU the lead they would never relinquish at 10:07 from Sarah Belmore. The goal was scored on the power play. Kayla Blackmore would score unassisted at 16:39 to pad the lead. The Tommies out shot X 14 to 6.

Late in the third period Jillian Coughlin from Sarah Belmore and Lyse Rossignol would salt this game away. The goal was scored on the PP at 18:16. Julia Sharun got the key win for STU stopping 25 of 26 shots while STU countered with 27. With the victory the Tommies move into sole possession of 3 rd place only 4 points back of the X-Women for second plus have a game in hand. HCH: Men's and women's AUS roundup. and DG Article -Women's & men's recap also Lady's weekend update from Official site

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